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Charlie Taylor – “Disappear” [Music Video]

Charlie Taylor understands the power of dichotomy. Thus far, her life has consisted of an unusually ample amount of life bending contrasts. Though at times painful, it was these disparaging experiences that has created the awe-striking human being we have before us today.

A Los Angeles native, she was born to a pair of performing artists, growing up in a nudist household with very few rules or restrictions. When her father’s acting career began to diminish the family’s quality of life, her parents decided it was time for a massive adjustment. They traded glitz and glam for horses and stables, moving to a small horse town where Taylor would ride horseback to school each day. Combining the value of artistic freedom that her liberal upbringing instilled in her, with a newfound appreciation for the simpler aspects of life, Taylor’s multifaceted essence began to form.

Latest single “Disappear” (Sept. 20) and its stunning visual companion tells a story of learning through contrast. Refusing to be secretive about her past of being “a good girl who did bag things,” Taylor has capitalized off her physical aesthetics and she’s by no means here to apologize for it. Instead, she’s here to tell you a story of a very particular and personal earth shattering moment, one I’m sure we’re all well aquatinted with. When the hustle and bustle quiets for a moment, and you’re finally able to see that things might be a bit off and maybe you’re longing for something a little different from life.

Though creativity is most certainly deeply ingrained in Taylor’s DNA, her journey into writing personal, introspective music came forth later in life. She recalls being on her way to an underground modeling job, about to board a private plane when the epiphany occurred. On the plane flight she wrote “Disappear,” and realized that the luxurious life of materialism and vapid interactions she was presently pursuing wasn’t what she was meant to do. In her own words,

“Eight years ago, Seth Reger, my first love, taught me how to write a song. I had always wanted to be a singer, but he told me that it probably wouldn’t happen for me unless I learned to write. At the time, I felt that my perspective as a writer was bland and that I had nothing interesting to write about. So for most of the next decade I would write vicariously through the stories of others, both fictitious characters and friends, until one day I tapped into an honest portal and started writing personally. I wrote the lyrics for ‘Disappear’ from a private jet, where I was being flown to work an underground modeling job. At the time, I kept cycling hypotheticals of all the ways that I would like to disappear from this materialistic manifestation of emptiness into the woods with someone who could make my heart beat fast.”

Together Reger and Taylor added the finishing touches to “Disappear,” incorporating Reger’s production and vocals, later headed to Joshua tree to record the music video on 16mm film. An epic tale of the value of genuine human connection and unconditional love, the images that make up the video give forth a warm, safe feeling stemming from the pure affection Taylor and Reger clearly had and have for one another. From images of the couple running naked through the dessert to personal footage of when they were younger and so deep in love, the viewer is welcomed into Taylor and Reger’s world and able to take from it the freeing feeling of an unadulterated connection.

Be sure to watch the video below & be on the look out for more Charlie Taylor magic in the very near future!