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“Make It Alright” Is Josef Scott’s Latest Endeavor Bringing a Vintage Allure to Audiences 

Hailing from New Zealand, producer, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter, Josef Scott captures audiences with his original song “Make It Alright“. The world of sound and visuals has been a passion of Josef’s since he was a young child. In his early twenties, he began working on Netflix’s Marco Polo before switching to photography. Josef believes that music is where he finds his true creative potential, despite his success through imagery. Josef worked at Neil Finn’s Roundhead Studios alongside some of New Zealand’s top engineers to hone his craft. Upon leaving the recording studio, Josef collaborated with his Uncle Paul Scott and Steven Melleville on his debut EP, “Epilogue.” This emotional and intricate track became an instant hit, earning Josef many fans. Recently Josef has been exploring his passion for indie rock, house, and R&B. Using this he has created a musical gem, one that shines brighter than anything that came before.

“Make It Alright” is the result of Josef’s dedication, tuning his skills to deliver one of the most engrossing songs of 2023. With an almost vintage quality, listeners won’t be able to resist its seductive allure. Noir is the first thing that pops into my mind, ripped out of a 50s detective film. The song perfectly captures Josef’s skillful ability to blend genres, creating a unique soundscape for the listener. The use of classic instrumentation and modern production techniques creates a dreamy atmosphere that is sure to captivate any listener. 

Combining Josef’s musical talent with skilled production creates a captivating atmosphere reminiscent of Poe’s hit single “Haunted”; a perfect example of how a song can bridge the gap between classical and modern. Lyrically, we get a concoction of emotions “Can’t you see I feel more alive when you’re around?“Paint me under the shrine, I wanna feel alive and make it out tonight” followed by a charming chorus “I’ll make it alright, I’ll make it… I’ll make it“. 

Josef describes the creative process behind the song: “Make It Alright” was a serendipitous discovery that emerged from a phase of intense writing back in 2022. I was still in Auckland producing a considerable amount of new material and felt the need to shake things up and experiment with new methods. That’s when I decided to set some creative restrictions, specifically, using a vocal sample that I thought would force me to stick to a key, story, vocal delivery, and tempo. While searching for the right sample, I came across the mesmerizing ‘​Make ​It Alright’ vocals that instantly resonated with me and I knew I wanted to use them as the foundation for this song. As I began singing my own lyrics a story took shape, one that spoke to me on a deep level. It centered around the transformative power of love and how it can uplift and guide someone out of the darkness, guiding them toward becoming a better version of themselves. Within a day, I had written and recorded the entire song, and it felt like a beautiful accident. The restrictions that the sample provided forced me to focus on one feeling and explore it in a way that I had never done before. As a result, “Make It Alright” became a deeply personal and emotionally charged track that I am immensely proud of.”

I’m more of a rock guy, but I have to admit this song got me and it got me good. This one gets my blessing and I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for Josef’s upcoming work.