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Trace Remains Explores Dark Deals in “Sold My Soul”

Trace Remains is ready to take the stage once again. This time they present their electric anthem “Sold My Soul.” Their single is equal parts mosh pit fury and introspective agony. The outstanding track opens the way for the release of the debut album of this skillful band.  

Formed in 2017, Trace Remains boasts a lineup of seasoned musicians. Featuring the vocal and guitar talents of Joey Vesely, the band’s sound is enriched by the guitar interplay of Joel Grimes and John Perry. Jon Rigatti anchors the rhythm section on bass, while Jesse Tranfo provides driving percussion. The vast experience of these five can be summarized in national tours, collaborations with legendary figures like Fugazi drummer Brendan Canty, and a deep connection to the city’s independent music spirit.

The fusion of these five musicians’ distinct styles has created a genre-bending sonic experience. Post-hardcore frenetic energy is where they take their roots, but they have also drawn influences from the post-punk uneasy sensation. The melodies from their song, proper of alt-rock and indie rock, add a counterpoint to the sonic aggression. In the words of Vesely himself, their sound is a mix of “lacerating guitars, discordant melodies, and cathartic song arrangements,” occasionally yielding to “stately string or piano-lavished passages.” 

Lyrically, the themes of their songs are also inspired by a wide range of themes, from the emotional turbulence of relationships to the anxieties of climate change. Vesely describes himself as “a student of life,” someone actively working to turn his observations into poetic imagery.

“Sold My Soul” is the track they have chosen as the opening salvo for their debut album, “Leverage the Tides,” which will be released on November 8th. The selection of this track as the introduction for the band is accurate and powerful. The song showcases the band’s ability to blend aggression with melody. Distorted guitars create a ruthless riff, while Vesely’s vocals break with raw emotion. Progressively, the song builds until it gets to a powerful climax, a representation of the main topic of the song, the trades, and the decisions made in life. 

When it comes to the lyrics, they transmit the darkness and regret of the subject. Through its lines, the protagonist deals with the consequences of his choices, in the shape of a river of mirrors. The feelings of self-destruction and powerlessness increase with lines like, “abyss relentless,” a symbol of the deal’s true cost. The singer desires to return to a forever-gone innocence. However, the song concludes with a message of hope from the redemptive power of music: “Heal it all with sound now.”

“Sold My Soul” is exactly the kind of song you would expect from a band with such a rich history and distinct sound. They definitely know how to create a song that fuels you up, invites you to reflection, and highlights the power of music. With the release of their debut album on the horizon and a busy schedule of releases and shows planned, you will surely be listening to more from Trace Remains.